Disability Statistics:

  1. One in seven people in Ontario have a disability. Over the next 20 years, that number will rise to 1 in 5 as the population ages.
  2. Staff retention is 72% higher among persons with disabilities, which is equal to savings of millions of dollars every year in hiring and training costs.
  3. Most accommodations for employees with disabilities cost less than $500.
  4. It is estimated that one million Canadians have some kind of disability that makes it difficult or impossible for them to read conventional print. As our population ages that number will increase.


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Employment Myths:

The percentage of people with visible disabilities is:

a) 20% b) 30% c) 40% d) 50% e) 70%
(Answer: B)

A DuPont study showed that ______ of workers who have a disability scored average or above average in performance ratings.

a) 50% b) 65% c) 82% d) 90%
(Answer: D)

Most job accommodations cost less than:

a) $5,000 b) $3,000 c) $1,000 d) $500 e) $200
(Answer: D)

According to a DuPont survey, _________ of employees who have a disability have average or above average attendance records

a) 86% b) 75% c) 66% d) 44%
(Answer: A)

Less than _______ of people who have a disability use a wheelchair or scooter as their primary mode of transportation.

a) 2% b) 5% c) 8% d) 12% e) 15%
(Answer: A)

Source: “Six Steps to Marketing Employment for people who have a disability”, Joe Dale, October 2002.


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