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Governance Training
The 2 ½ to 3-hour session would cover the following items and would include discussions and two-way dialogue throughout):
What is a BIA?
Quick Facts
What BIAs do
How do BIAs work?
Governance Health Check
Governance Best Practices
Effective Organizations
Effective Meetings
Strategic Planning
BIA Finances
This session has been well received by BIAs across the province. To receive maximum benefit, we would encourage Municipal Staff such as the Municipal Clerk and CAO as well as Municipal Council representatives, BIA Board Member and their Staff and members of the General Public.
By providing examples and real experiences, this presentation provides support and encouragement to Board Members and Council, as well as dispels myths around how and why BIAs operate. It provides evidence on the Value of BIAs in Community Development and steps to build respect and governance to a unique Municipal Local Board.
About the Presenter
Kay Matthews
Executive Director
[email protected]
Direct: 647-521-5341
Kay Matthews, since 2011, is the Executive Director of the Ontario BIA Association representing 300+ BIAs in Ontario. She has spent 20+ years in BIA management; 10 years in an Urban BIA and 5 years in a Rural BIA. Having worked in the Heritage and Arts sectors in Mississauga for 10 years, this brings her total Community Development experience to more than 30 years.
Kay has overseen three Accessibility Projects for OBIAA, the Return on Investment of BIAs Project and Ontario’s Digital Main Street Project (granting). Kay speaks at various events, facilitates Strategic Planning as well as teaches Governance to BIAs. Kay additionally has organized and executed large scale events such as the Bread and Honey Festival, Mississauga’s Carassauga and Santa Claus Parade, and the annual BIA Conference.
Contact OBIAA for pricing – member and non-member prices available.