Why Join OBIAA?

Gain access to all the benefits of membership.

  • Resources & toolkits
  • Special conference & member event pricing
  • Access to weekly What Matters Calls
  • Twice weekly newsletters
  • One-on-one support
  • Governance Training for your BIA Board or Municipality

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OBIAA Member Benefits

Our Membership

Our membership consists of BIAs of all sizes – memberships of less than 100 members to those with over 500 members, and BIAs with budgets of less than $20K to those with budgets of over $1M.

We are committed to keeping membership costs as low as possible while continuing to provide value for your membership dollar through value added items such as the sharing of best practices, facilitating an invaluable information network for members, and providing government advocacy at the Provincial and Federal level.

Our membership fee is based on a levy scale and the average budget impact of OBIAA membership for BIAs is approximately .03%

Photo of a trifold OBIAA brochure

Membership Benefits

OBIAA offers resources and opportunities to members that include:


OBIAA represents our BIAs and their members at the highest levels of government.

Government Relations

We represent our members’ best interests at the highest level of Provincial Government. OBIAA has four Ministry Liaisons on the Board from the Ministries of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Culture and Tourism, and Economic Development and Growth.

Sharing Best

We recognize the power of networking, the strength in numbers and the value of sharing common concerns and finding resolutions specific to our individual communities.

How to Start a BIA Consultation

OBIAA can provide both assistance and/or speakers if you are considering a BIA or have just started one. If you wish to get in touch with other BIAs on the process of getting started, please contact us.

Member Needs

OBIAA can work with your municipality to provide support and guidance. Members have full access to the OBIAA website and links to templates and documents. Best Practices assistance and information is provided through a member-only web portal.

Workshops &

As part of helping to build stronger BIAs we offer training in a wide range of topics. These include Governance and Accessibility. We also work with our partners to provide Professional Development and other workshops.

Kay Matthews Speaking at Event

Still have questions?

Member Needs

OBIAA can work with your municipality to provide support and guidance. Members have full access to the OBIAA website and links to templates and documents. Best Practices assistance and information is provided through a member-only web portal.

Development &


As part of helping build stronger BIA’s, we offer training in a wide range of topics, directly through OBIAA or through our partners. These include Governance and Accessibility. We can provide networking opportunities with suppliers, municipalities, other BIA members and staff through relationships made at Conference, via our website and social media.

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