On April 3rd, OBIAA released its newest handbook “The Business of Accessibility: How to Make Your Main Street Business Accessibility Smart”. This handbook offers no-cost and low-cost ideas, gathered from people with first-hand experience, to inspire businesses to go beyond the minimum requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA).

This latest handbook is a companion to OBIAA’s “AODA for BIAs Handbook” released in 2016. “The Business of Accessibility” includes:

  • Low-cost and no-cost tips on how businesses can be more accessible in such areas as lighting, signage, websites, space layout, and more
  • The business case for accessibility and Ontario’s changing demographics
  • A Built Environment Accessibility Checklist
  • Stories of Ontario businesses
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Built Environment Accessibility Resources


The Handbook:

This is a PDF download  Download an Accessible PDF version of the handbook

This is a PDF download Download the French version of the handbook


If you would like a french or print copy of the handbook, please email: [email protected]


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