Our BIAs are part of the framework of the Ontario community and economy.  Many of our BIAs represent the founding villages, towns and cities that make up Ontario.  While BIAs have only been a part of the Canadian landscape for the past 50 years, they are responsible for providing their business areas an almost 100% return on investment of local funds.  Our BIAs and OBIAA are therefore key industry partners.  Our BIAs are Public Realm Investors, Area Marketers and Event Facilitators.  The businesses within our BIAs are innovators, entrepreneurs and part of the creative community.  Our BIAs most often are the ‘heart’ of their community, representing heritage, economy, arts, revitalization and tourism.

BIAs can provide true leadership and stewardship, they have ‘their ears to the street’ and the ability to communicate directly with their local property owners and businesses.  They are a single conduit for the exchange of information and are partners with all stakeholders, and they are catalysts for positive change.


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