Call for Awards Submissions & Entry Form
April 3, 2017 – Awards Gala
West Prince Hotel, Toronto, ON
Ontario BIA Association
The Ontario BIA Association (OBIAA) recognize the best that Business Improvement Association revitalization and management has to offer. Consultants, practitioners, communities and organizations involved in all aspects of BIA renewal are invited to submit case studies that showcase innovation and vision that has made a difference. Within the four pillars of Downtown Revitalization, there are a potential of 11 or more awards that cover the core priorities of most BIAs, the BIA National Achievement Awards celebrate and communicate the most successful and innovative efforts in Ontario BIA development.
Submissions will be judged on the following criteria:
- Innovation – Does the project or program offer an innovative or unique approach to a BIA management or development challenge?
- Replication – Does the entry present a solution, process or idea that others could modify for their BIA circumstances?
- Representation – Is the project or program inclusive? Were partnerships employed to get the job done? Was the community involved in the effort?
- Outcome – Was the impact of the effort significant? How was it measured? Was it compared to an initial goal? Were the goals and objectives reached?
Pillar: Leadership and Management:
- Alex Ling – Lifetime Achievement Award: Recognizes individuals who selflessly contribute to strengthening and promoting BIAs
- Accessibility Education
Pillar: Economic Development:
- Business Retention, Recruitment + Expansion
Pillar: Marketing and Promotions: (In recognition of the wide range of BIA capacities, up to two awards may be given in these categories)
- Special Events + Promotions (Large & Small)
- Marketing + Communications (Large & Small)
Pillar: Physical Improvements:
- Accessibility
- Bricks + Mortar
- Streetscaping and Public Realm improvements (Large & Small)