As part of the Ministry of Labour’s ongoing commitment to provide compliance support for small business, the ministry has partnered with organizations across Ontario to provide a general overview seminar on the Employment Standards Act (ESA), with a special focus on recent changes to labour laws under the Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018 (Bill 47).
Click here to view the calendar of events and contact the local organizations directly to sign up for a session near you.
Please Note: This calendar will be updated on a regular basis as new events are added.
If you have a question about employment standards and would like to speak to one of the Ministry of Labour’s experts, call the Employment Standards Information Centre at: 416-326-7160 (Greater Toronto Area) | 1-800-531-5551 (Toll-free) | 1-866-567-8893 (TTY for the hearing impaired). Information is available in multiple languages.
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Ministry of Labour