As part of the “Accessibility Smart Businesses” Project, we have prepared seven information packages on the topic of hiring people with disabilities.  These information kits address the questions, concerns, and misunderstandings that we have heard from small businesses about hiring persons with disabilities.

You can use the material in these kits in whole, in part or as suits your purposes. The kit content has been designed to be flexible and can used in a variety of your communication vehicles, including your newsletter, website, social media, and local media. Each kit has a specific theme but you can mix and match as you please. Some items, such as the Media Release, Articles and Social Media posts have instructions in [square brackets] to highlight areas that you can adjust to specifically target your members. Additionally, you will see [link] which signifies where you can place a link to kit content that you post on your website or to direct them to OBIAA’s website.

Downloadable Resources:


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