RFP for Digital Transformation for Main Street Businesses
In-person and Online Training Sessions
Deadline: Friday, November 16, 2018 – 5 p.m. ET
Digital Main Street Initiative
The $12 million Digital Initiative, approved under the $40 million Main Street Enhancement Initiative, is focused on expanding the reach of the existing Digital Main Street (DMS) program administered by the Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas to small businesses in all municipalities across Ontario. The project specifically aligns with the Province’s priority of creating a supportive and dynamic business environment, and Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs’ priorities of creating strong rural communities.
The intent of this RFP (RFP for DMS In-Person Online Training -OBIAA.Final) is to establish a contract with a qualified firm to develop and design an outline for a series of in-person and online Digital Transformation workshops. The purpose of these workshops is to provide main street businesses across Ontario with hands-on, digital training in regions across the province. The successful firm will develop and curate all content and materials necessary for production of workshops.
Workshop topics can include, but not limited to:
~ Digital Main Street – From Registration to Grant Process
~ Digital Marketing 101
~ Website & Web Presence (content)
~ E-mail Marketing
~ E-Commerce 101
~ Analytics
~ Social Media: Facebook/Instagram/Social Advertising
~ Website Building for Beginners
Additionally, we seek a firm that can develop a strategic approach to organizing the content in a way that inspires, informs and drives action, as well as completion of the Digital Transformation Plan.
Objective: Develop and deliver digital training sessions (online and in-person) across the province for main street businesses.
Which includes, but is not limited to:
~ Planning and development of four (4) to six (6) Digital Marketing / Digital Transformation related courses to be offered across the Province of Ontario
~ Execution and delivery of 60 in-person training sessions across the province by March 31, 2020 (OBIAA to determine and coordinate locations)
~ Total cost of travel for delivery of training(s)
~ Creation of presentation for workshop and all associated materials
~ Workbooks for Attendees (Hand Outs)
~ Resource Guides and/or “cheat sheets” (Hand Outs)